About Neela

Hi, I’m Neela

As a Licensed Avatar® Master I have delivered the Avatar Course to many people of all walks and ages since 2006. 

It’s the best thing I ever do!

An avid explorer and adventurer at heart, I trained in many fields, became a Certified Massage Therapist, Dive Master and Commercial Floatplane Pilot. I have traveled over 30 countries to study cultures, religions, languages, people and nature. 

In discovering the Avatar Training, it all came together for me in a most amazing Path. 

Mastering and sharing the tools to continuously evolve and joyfully create deliberately for the benefit of all beings!

I am currently teaching ReSurfacing® Workshops as well as the full Avatar Course online, until travel into the US and Mexico resumes. 🙂

It is an honour to meet you. Please contact me to explore possibilities and get you started on your adventure of self discovery.

Warmly, Neela